Archive for the ‘Featured’ Category

Manassas Run looked like chocolate milk

This is what Manassas Run looked like yesterday afternoon when I arrived to collect the water samples. Manassas Run was discolored and laden with sediment as it flowed into the Shenandoah River just upstream of the public boat landing.

Video Manassas Run 5.27.2020


Shenandoah River @ Morgan Ford public boat ramp in Warren County

Eventually, my travels brought me to the public boat ramp at the bridge on Morgan Ford Road in Warren County where I found this….


Cattle grazing along the bank of the SF Shenandoah River

Spied cattle grazing on the opposite bank of the SF of the Shenandoah River while collecting the water sample at Andy Guest Jr. Shenandoah River State Park. IMG_3737

Public boat ramp at Newport, Stanley VA.

VA DGIF boat ramp located north of Newport on U.S. 340, not looking very inviting.

The North Fork of the Shenandoah River at Meems Bottom

The North Fork of the Shenandoah River at Meems Bottom in Mount Jackson, Virginia

Working from “home” does have some perks…

Yesterday started off just like most – I headed out to collect the water samples for the FOSR’s summer E. coli testing project at public access and recreational use areas on the Main Stem, North Fork, and South Fork of the Shenandoah River and Opequon Creek.  The next several posts are some of what I saw yesterday along the way…

Working from “home” does have some perks


FOSR’s 2020 Summer E. coli Results through 05.20.2020

FOSR’s Summer E. coli Testing Project at public access and recreational use areas on the Main Stem, North Fork, and South Fork of the Shenandoah River and Opequon Creek

Up until the middle of last year, Virginia’s water quality standard for freshwater beach advisories or closures was a single sample maximum of 235 E.coli CFU/100 ml of sample.  Virginia no longer has a single sample maximum or any criteria for primary recreational contact in freshwaters.

These are the E. coli concentration results for the water samples that were collected yesterday, Wednesday, May 20, 2020.  In a freshwater system, these data represent a snapshot of the water quality on the date, time, and under the conditions that the water sample was collected.

FOSR 2020 Summer Quantitative E. coli Concentration Results through 05.20.2020

At 1 of the 14 sites tested on Wednesday May 20, 2020 the E. coli levels exceeded the “previous” Virginia Water Quality Standard threshold level of 235 colony-forming units of E. coli per 100 ml of sample for freshwater beaches.  This site was:

  • FW36, Manassas Run, a tributary the feeds into the Main-stem Shenandoah River just upstream of the public boat landing at Morgan’s Ford Bridge on Morgans Ford Road, Warren County

FOSR’s 2020 Summer E. coli Results through 05.14.2020

FOSR’s Summer E. coli Testing Project at public access and recreational use areas on the Main Stem, North Fork, and South Fork of the Shenandoah River and Opequon Creek

These are the E. coli concentration results for the water samples that were collected on Thursday, May 14, 2020.  In a freshwater system, these data represent a snapshot of the water quality on the date, time, and under the conditions that the water sample was collected.

FOSR 2020 Summer Quantitative E. coli Concentration Results through 05.14.2020

Giant Stonefly

This giant stonefly was staking out its territory along the SF Shenandoah River at Raymond R. “Andy” Guest, Jr. Shenandoah River State Park in Warren County.


May 14, 2020 Eastside SF Shenandoah River dammed White House Public Boat Landing

05.14.2020 Eastside of the South Fork of the Shenandoah River is now dammed at the White House Public Boat Landing in Page County.  A new boat landing is being built on the opposite side of the river.

East side SF Shenandoah River damned White House Public Boat Landing 05.14.2020

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