Friends of the Shenandoah River

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Summer E. coli Testing Project

FOSR’s 2020 Summer E. coli Results through 08.12.2020

These are the E. coli results for the water samples that were collected yesterday, Wednesday, August 12, 2020.

FOSR 2020 Summer Quantitative E. coli Concentration Results through 08.12.2020

At the following sites the E. Coli level exceeded the previous instantaneous Virginia water quality standard threshold of 235 E. Coli CFUs per 100ml of sample for primary recreational contact:

  • FW36, Manassas Run upstream of the confluence with the Shenandoah River at Morgan Ford low water bridge in Warren County 1119.9 MPN E. coli CFU per 100mL/sample


The effect of the heavy rains that occurred in Augusta and Rockingham counties last week can still be seen in the South Fork in Luray and Warren Counties and the Main-stem of the Shenandoah River in Clarke County and beyond.

Summer E. coli Test Updates


FOSR’s 2021 Summer E. coli Results through 09.02.2021 All but one of the sites tested yesterday had exceedingly high E. coli concentrations.  For many years Virginia had a single sample

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A River in Peril

FOSR’s 2021 Summer E. coli Results through 08.19.2021 Although yesterday was a beautiful day to be out collecting water samples, it was easy to see that the River is struggling;

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