Friends of the Shenandoah River

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Program Results through August 6, 2024

Program Results through August 6, 2024

Below is the link to FOSR’s 2024 Summer E. coli Testing Program results that have been accumulated through Tuesday, August 6, 2024.  The Site IDs have been colored-coded to aid in identifying the part of the Shenandoah River watershed in which each specific site is located.

Funding was pledged for an additional site to be tested on Hawksbill Creek on time because of concerns where the sewer lines cross the creek a second time upstream of FOSR’s established site (FPHCTL) and downstream of Linden Ave. bridge. So yesterday, Tuesday August 06, 2024, in addition to collecting a water sample from FOSR’s established monitoring site on Hawksbill Creek, FPHCTL, I collected a second sample from Hawksbill Creek, FPHCLB.

Funding was pledged for an additional site to be tested on Hawksbill Creek onetime because of concerns where the sewer lines crosses the creek a second time upstream of FOSR’s established site (FPHCTL) and downstream of Linden Ave. bridge. So yesterday, Tuesday August 06, 2024, in addition to collecting a water sample from FOSR’s established monitoring site on Hawksbill Creek, FPHCTL, I collected a second sample from Hawksbill Creek, FPHCLB.

These are the results for the two water samples collected from Hawksbill Creek yesterday:

Site ID: FPHCTL Hawksbill Creek, Town of Luray, adjacent to Virginia Ave. (Rt. 340) @ Pocket Park, downstream of Greenway pedestrian bridge. 613.1 MPN E. coli CFU (colony forming unit) per 100mL of sample

Site ID: FPHCLB Hawksbill Creek, upstream of site FPHCTL, adjacent to Business Rt. 340 on westside of the creek and Luray Hawksbill Greenway on eastside, upstream of porta potty, and downstream Linden Ave. bridge 435.2 MPN E. coli CFU (colony forming unit) per 100mL of sample

E. Coli Test results for August 28, 2024

These results provide a snapshot of the E. coli bacteria concentrations at the designated sites on the date, time, and under the conditions that the water samples were collected.

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