Friends of the Shenandoah River

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Summer E. coli Testing Program

Summer E. coli Testing Program Results for Tuesday, June 11, 2024

06.11.2024 Site: FPHCTL Hawksbill Creek, Town of Luray, off Virginia Ave., Page County VA. Visible sewer line running through Hawksbill Creek at site. E. coli reading 517.2 MPN CFU per 100mL of sample

Below is the link to the E. coli results for the water samples collected yesterday, 06.11.2024, as part of Friends of the Shenandoah River’s Summer E. coli Testing Program. To confirm the previous 3 consecutive elevated E. coli readings at site FPHCTL, Hawksbill Creek Town of Luray off Virginia Ave., we performed a compliance QC split sample and collected a sample identified as FPHCUB upstream of site FPHCTL. The location of the upstream site, FPHCUB, was selected to potentially eliminate the semi-exposed sewer line the runs through Hawksbill Creek at site FPHCTL as seen in photo. With the elevated readings found upstream, it appears that this sewer line is not the culprit. We will continue to investigate if funding/donations continue to be available. 


The FOSR provides unrestricted access to our water-quality data. We ask that acknowledgment and credit is given when using and referring to these data. Please support us with a donation so that we can continue to provide you with these valuable data.

Test Results Archive