Friends of the Shenandoah River

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Summer E. coli Testing Program

FOSR’s 2021 Summer E. coli Results through 08.25.2021

These are the E. coli results for the water samples that were collected yesterday, Wednesday, August 25, 2021.

FOSR 2021 Summer Quantitative E. coli concentration Results through 08.25.2021

Of the 12 times that FOSR has tested Manassas Run this summer, the E. coli levels exceeded the previous Virginia water-quality standard threshold of 235 E. coli colony forming units per 100 mL of water sample for primary recreational use 10 times (83% of the times tested).

The algal blooms continue in the North Fork of the Shenandoah River at Strasburg Park.  While at the site yesterday the foul odor released by the algae was intense.  Sections of the streambed were 75-80% covered with algae making it look like a carpet of green.   Also, lots of clumps of algae that have broken loose were floating downstream.

The low water levels at several of the sites continue to be a serious concern.


Test Results Archive