Friends of the Shenandoah River

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Summer E. coli Testing Project

A River in Peril

FOSR’s 2021 Summer E. coli Results through 08.19.2021

Although yesterday was a beautiful day to be out collecting water samples, it was easy to see that the River is struggling; extremely low water levels, trash, algae, elevated water temperature, excessive nutrients, …

Below is the link to FOSR’s 2021 Summer Quantitative E. coli Concentration Results through 08.19.2021

FOSR 2021 Summer Quantitative E. coli Concentration Results through 08.19.2021

The E. coli levels at Site FW36, Manassas Run upstream of the confluence with main-stem Shenandoah River, just upstream of the public boat landing at Morgan’s Ford bridge, continue to exceed the previous Virginia water-quality standard threshold of 235 E. coli colony forming units per 100 mL of water sample for primary recreational use.


Summer E. coli Test Updates