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FOSR’s Summer E.coli Testing Program Results for July 10, 2024

07.10.2024 FSMB North Fork Shenandoah River at Meems Bottom covered bridge in Shenandoah County VA

Below is the link to the E. coli results for the water samples collected yesterday, 07.10.2024, as part of Friends of the Shenandoah River’s Summer E. coli Testing Program.  The Friends of the Shenandoah River provide, as a guideline, the US Environmental Protection Agency recommended precautionary “do not exceed” freshwater Beach Action Value (BAV) of 235 CFU of E. coli bacteria per 100mL of water sample for early alert to for those planning on recreating in natural freshwaters, including families with children.


Shenandoah River watershed aquatic ecosystem is under increased stress

On July 10th, 2024, the water level on the main-stem Shenandoah River at Morgan Ford bridge had  receded so much that the bank is now at our mid-river site, FW-35MID, which has occurred 16 days earlier compared to last year (July 26th, 2023). Also, during this sampling event the water temperatures at these sites averaged between 80-84°F.  Site FP02 on the South Fork Shenandoah River at Newport PBR in Page County sampled above this average at 86.9°F, a measure that I don’t recall previously recording in my time doing field work. With both stressors (high water temperatures and decreasing water levels), the Shenandoah River watershed aquatic ecosystem is under increased stress.


FOSR’s Summer E. coli Testing Program Results for Wednesday, June 19, 2024

As the temperature outside rises the cool waters of the Shenandoah Rivers maybe calling to you.  The goal of FOSR’s summer E. coli testing program is to provide frequent, real-time accredited E. coli concentration results for river recreation users to make their own informed decision about potential associated health risks when recreating in the areas of the rivers tested.  Below is the link for the E. coli results for the water samples collected yesterday, 06.19.2024, as part of Friends of the Shenandoah River’s Summer E. coli Testing Program.…/FOSRs-2024-Summer-E.-coli-Testing-Program-Quantitative-E.-coli-Concentration-Results-through-06.19.2024-1.pdf



FOSR’s 2024 Summer E. coli Test Program Results for Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Below is the link to the E. coli results for the water samples collected yesterday, 06.11.2024, as part of Friends of the Shenandoah River’s Summer E. coli Testing Program. To confirm the previous 3 consecutive elevated E. coli readings at site FPHCTL, Hawksbill Creek Town of Luray off Virginia Ave., we performed a compliance QC split sample and collected a sample identified as FPHCUB upstream of site FPHCTL. The location of the upstream site, FPHCUB, was selected to potentially eliminate the semi-exposed sewer line the runs through Hawksbill Creek at site FPHCTL as seen in photo. With the elevated readings found upstream, it appears that this sewer line is not the culprit. We will continue to investigate if funding/donations continue to be available. To support our efforts please go to the donate tab.


FOSR’s 2024 Summer E. coli Test Program Results for Wednesday, June 5, 2024

These are the E. coli results for the water samples collected on Wednesday June 05, 2024 as part of Friends of the Shenandoah River (FOSR) Summer E. coli Testing Program at public access locations on the Main-stem, South Fork, and North Fork of the Shenandoah River.  On this day, 4 out of 16 of the sites tested exceeded the threshold limit of 235 E. coli CFU/100 mL utilized by FOSR for primary recreational activities in freshwater streams and rivers. Prior to October 2019, Virginia’s water quality standard for freshwater beach advisories or closures was a single sample maximum of 235 E. coli CFU/100 ml of sample. Virginia no longer has a single, instantaneous, sample maximum threshold for E. coli for primary recreational contact in freshwaters.

After 3 consecutive weeks of elevated E. coli readings at the FPHCTL Hawksbill Creek site located in the Town of Luray we have decided to also test at a site upstream next week. The purpose for doing this will be to attempt to isolate potential cause(s) of the repeated abundance of E. coli at this site.

FOSR’s 2024 Summer E. coli Test Program Results for Thursday, May 30, 2024

 05.30.204 FPHCTL Hawksbill Creek, Town of Luray, Page County VA E. coli reading 980.4 MPN  CFUs per 100mL of sample

These are the E. coli results for the water samples collected on Thursday May 30, 2024 as part of Friends of the Shenandoah River (FOSR) Summer E. coli Testing Program at public access locations on the Main-stem, South Fork, and North Fork of the Shenandoah River.  These results provide a snapshot of the E. coli bacteria concentrations at the designated sites on the date, time, and under the conditions that the water samples were collected.

On May 30, 2024, 1 out of 16 of the sites tested exceeded the criteria utilized by FOSR of 235 E. coli CFU/100 ml.  Prior to October 2019, Virginia’s water quality standard for freshwater beach advisories or closures was a single sample maximum of 235 E. coli CFU/100 ml of sample. Virginia no longer has a single, instantaneous, sample maximum or any criteria for primary recreational contact in freshwaters.

The FOSR provides unrestricted access to our water-quality data. We ask that acknowledgment and credit is given when using and referring to these data. Please support us with a donation so that we can continue to provide you with these valuable data.

FOSR’s Summer E. coli Test Results for Tuesday, August 15, 2023

These are the E. coli results for the water samples that were collected on, Tuesday, August 15, 2023. None of the sites tested exceeded the criteria utilized by FOSR of 235 CFU/100 ml. Prior to October 2019, Virginia’s water quality standard for freshwater beach advisories or closures was a single sample maximum of 235 E. coli CFU/100 ml of sample. Virginia no longer has a single, instantaneous, sample maximum or any criteria for primary recreational contact in freshwaters.

FOSR’s Summer E. coli Test Results for Tuesday, August 08, 2023

August 08, 2023, FSDR North Fork Shenandoah River at Deer Rapids public boat launch, Shenandoah County VA.

These are the E. coli results for the water samples that were collected on, Tuesday, August 8, after the rain that came through in some areas on Monday. Two out of 13 of the sites tested exceeded the criteria utilized by FOSR of 235 CFU/100 ml. Prior to October 2019, Virginia’s water quality standard for freshwater beach advisories or closures was a single sample maximum of 235 E. coli CFU/100 ml of sample. Virginia no longer has a single, instantaneous, sample maximum or any criteria for primary recreational contact in freshwaters.

FOSR’s Summer E. coli Test Results for Wednesday, July 26, 2023

These are the E. coli results for the water samples that were collected yesterday, July 26, for FOSR’s Summer E. coli testing program at sites located on the NF, SF, and Main-stem of the Shenandoah River. 1 out of 13 of the sites tested exceeded the criteria utilized by FOSR of 235 CFU/100 ml. Prior to October 2019, Virginia’s water quality standard for freshwater beach advisories or closures was a single sample maximum of 235 E. coli CFU/100 ml of sample. Virginia no longer has a single, instantaneous, sample maximum or any criteria for primary recreational contact in freshwaters.

Passage Creek E. coli Results in Elizabeth Furnace Day Use Area

Yesterday, Thursday September 15, I collected water samples to measure the E.coli levels in segment of Passage Creek that flows through the Elizabeth Furnace Day Use Recreational area. This was in preparation for the US Forest Service and @ShenandoahRiverkeeper RioPalooza event being held tomorrow, Saturday Sept. 17.

As a reference point, the FOSR uses the Virginia water-quality standard prior to October 2019 which was a single sample threshold of 235 E. coli colony-forming units per 100 mL of water sample for primary recreational use. Meaning that if a single freshwater grab sample had E. coli levels that exceed 235 CFU per 100mL of water sample then the water was considered unsafe for primary recreational use.
Copyright © 2013 Friends of the Shenandoah River