Friends of the Shenandoah River

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Summer E. coli Testing Program

FOSR’s 2020 Summer E. coli Results through 08.05.2020

These are the E. coli results for the water samples that were collected yesterday, Wednesday, August 05, 2020.

FOSR 2020 Summer Quantitative E. coli Concentration Results through 08.05.2020

On August 05, at 10 out of the 15 of the sites, the E. coli levels increased from last week.  Although the E. coli level was lower than last week, at only one of the sites, FW 36 Manassas Run, did the E. coli level exceed 235 CFU per 100 mL of water sample. Virginia’s water quality standard for beach advisories or closures was a single sample maximum of 235 E.coli CFU/100 ml in freshwater. This standard was eliminated last year, currently, there is no longer a single sample E. coli threshold that would trigger an advisory.


Test Results Archive